Mokoomba brought the magic and music of Zimbabwe to northeast Ohio, 7/12/24

The Music Box Supper Club helped make the world a little smaller on Friday night as they hosted the Zimbabwean band Mokoomba. Hailing from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, this powerful sextet touched the hearts and souls of every person inside the intimate Supper Club with their soulful and spirited musical expression. 

As the evening began, Trustworth “Trust” Samende quietly emerged on stage, sat down, and began to play. His solo guitar instantly caught the attention of the audience, many of whom were still finishing their dinners. Soon, Ndaba Coster Moyo found his way to the drums and bits of percussive rhythms joined the soulful sounds of the guitar. Slowly the rest of the members found their way on stage to fill out the sound. Tinotenda Zingapeta added the depth of the bass. Miti Mugande manned the congas and percussion.   Phathisani Moyo brought even more dimension to the percussion, although he would later take his station behind the keys. Mathias Muzaza sat down behind his microphone at center stage, closed his eyes and introduced the captive audience to his magnetic voice. A deep, slow voice filled with spirit, soul, and stories wove through the Music Box entrancing people with its smooth sound until Muzaza erupted with strength and fervor and the audience immediately responded with matching exultation.

All six members of Mokoomba melded together in the creation and expression of their glorious sound. Meaning and feeling permeated every breath and every note, making the language barrier melt away and the experience become communal. As the crowd erupted in applause, lead singer, Mathias Muzaza tilted back, hands raised, visibly receiving the energy and exaltation of the shared experience.

Throughout the evening Mokoomba shared varied stories and experience that connected this industrial northeast city with the roots of the Zimbabwean culture. Muzaza expressively shared a dialogue between a child and a father—perfectly embodying the voice and spirit of each, interchangeably—as he expressed, without translation, the universality of the parent-child relationship. They spoke to the audience through song and dialogue, inviting them in and uniting all in the joy and spirit of the evening. As the energy began to raise and the dishes were cleared from tables, the chairs disappeared from the stage and the audience received a direct invitation to join them in dance. The movement and joy Mokoomba shared on stage easily infected the crowd and their invitation slowly, but surely, permeated the entire venue with movement.

The music and energy Mokoomba shared was powerful and spirited. The intimate stage felt almost too small to contain them, as their passion and love for performance fueled every note, every move, every smile and wafted out through the open doors into the hot summer night. 

The versatility of their vocal expression was awe-inspiring. Mathias Muzaza possesses an ability to wrap his voice through an endless web of expression. At the beginning of the evening, his embodiment of a young child’s voice left me looking for its source. His vocal range stretched from staggeringly clear falsetto to powerfully deep and soulful. His timbre felt smooth and gravely and everything in-between. His modulation of vocal sound created tones I would expect from a digeridoo or synthesizer. And this spectacular voice was encircled by five other members of Mokoomba, all of whom joined him in beautiful and flawless harmonies. At times, all six members set aside their instruments, stood side by side and combined their voices into glorious six-part acapella harmonies punctuated by unique explorations of sound and expression.

To say this visit to Cleveland was a good one would not fully articulate the truth. They left an indelible memory in the minds, bodies and hearts of all that attended their Friday night performance. When asked if they were ready for the last song, the audience erupted in a resounding, “No.” And Mokoomba acquiesced, returning to the stage to play more than just one. As the end drew near, Muzaza raised his arms and leaned back, breathing in the energy of the crowd they had ignited. 

From the moment they stepped on stage to the very last note, their passion and love for their music and the experience of sharing it live permeated their performance. Mokoomba’s energy never wavered. Their connection and communication was clear and impactful. Their mid-show encouragement to visit Zimbabwe cited the beautiful Victoria Falls as reason number one, then acknowledged themselves as, now, providing another—after their impassioned performance at The Music Box Supper Club, I would have to hail Mokoomba as all the inspiration needed to make such a journey.

Mokoomba at The Music Box Supper Club, 7/12/24
Copyright: Danielle Andes
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